Mythic Plants

Mythic Plants cover 3D

diving deep into stories about plants from ancient Greece

Mythic Plants: Potions and Poisons from the Gardens of the Gods is a heart-warming tale about gardening in ancient Greece. No. Wait. That’s not right.

Mythic Plants: Potions and Poisons from the Gardens of the Gods is an instructional, how-to manual that will teach you how to defeat the enemies of ancient Greece with plant-based weapons. No. Stop. That’s wrong, too.

Mythic Plants: Potions and Poisons from the Gardens of the Gods is a collection of stories about plants in ancient Greek mythology, with one or two early Roman authors thrown in. Yes! That’s it!

coastal pine silhouetted against a deep blue sea on a rocky coastline

If you like Greek mythology and you like plants, then you are my people and I’m glad to meet you.

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On this site…

You will find all the citations (more than 300!) that wouldn’t fit in the hard copy of the book.

books about ancient Greece

You will also find descriptions of the fully-illustrated, in-person presentations I’d be happy give to your garden club, your book club, your lunch and learn, or your IGC.

And finally, you can buy a signed copy of Mythic Plants from this site. Yes, it will cost you more than Amazon, but I’ll be happy to personalize an inscription. Can Amazon do that?!